How to retrieve a list of products in a virtual catalog

Trying to retrieve a list of products that are contained in a virtual catalog

            ProductSearchCriteria criteria = new ProductSearchCriteria();
            criteria.CatalogId = message.MetaData.CatalogId;
            criteria.ObjectType = KnownDocumentTypes.Product;
            criteria.ResponseGroup = "withCategories, withProducts";
            var products = await _productSearchService.SearchProductsAsync(criteria);

Seems this only works with non virtual catalogs. Is there a way to get the products inside a virtual catalog?

Virto Commerce allows to retrieve a list of products that are contained in a virtual catalogue. You need to specify storeId and catalogId:

"objectType": "Product",
"storeId": "TODO: StoreId",
"catalogId": "TODO: Virtual Catalog ID",
"skip": 0,
"take": 10
