Step-by-Step Instructions to Install Edge Version of Virto Commerce 3.800 on .NET 8

Step-by-Step Instructions to Install Alpha Version of Virto Commerce 3.800 on .NET 8

The alpha version of Virto Commerce (VC) on .NET 8 provides early access to cutting-edge features and enhancements, allowing users to explore the latest advancements in the Virto Commerce platform.

This edge release on .NET 8 is intended for developers, enthusiasts, and early adopters who are eager to test and provide feedback on the new features and improvements before the stable release.

0. Download and Install NET8

Download .NET 8.0 (Linux, macOS, and Windows) (

1. Download Platform Net8 Package

Visit the following link and download the platform net8 package:

2. Create a New Folder

Create a new folder to organize the installation files. For example, name it platform_net8.

3. Unzip Platform Net8 Package

Unzip the downloaded file into the platform_net8 folder.

4. Download packages.json

Visit the following link and download the packages.json file containing a list of alpha versions of VC 3.800 modules: packages.json

5. Copy packages.json to platform_net8 Folder

Copy the downloaded packages.json file into the platform_net8 folder.

6. Install Modules

Open a terminal or command prompt in the platform_net8 folder and run the following command to install modules:

vc-build InstallModules -PackageManifestPath ./packages.json -ProbingPath ./app_data/modules -DiscoveryPath ./modules --root ./ -SkipDependencySolving

7. Change appsettings.json Connection Strings

Edit the appsettings.json file in the platform_net8 folder and update the connection strings as needed.

8. Run the Platform

Open a terminal or command prompt in the platform_net8 folder and run the following command to start the Virto Commerce platform:

dotnet VirtoCommerce.Platform.Web.dll --urls=https://localhost:5001

9. Enjoy Preview Version of Virto Commerce on .NET 8

Access the Virto Commerce platform by navigating to https://localhost:5001 in your web browser. Enjoy using the alpha version on .NET 8!

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We are thrilled to announce that the Virto Commerce .NET 8 release is currently under review. Our dedicated team has been hard at work, ensuring that this release is packed with features, improvements, and optimizations.

:spiral_calendar: Save the Date: We are planning to officially announce the General Availability (GA) of Virto Commerce .NET 8 on January 19, 2024. This milestone marks a significant step forward in providing you with a robust and feature-rich e-commerce platform.

Stay tuned for further updates, and we appreciate your continued support and enthusiasm for Virto Commerce!

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We have released Virto Commerce on NET8.