Upload CSV file to enanble/disable product per fullment center

We need to disable or enable multiple products across different fulfillment centers.

For example for a given products A on sold out of fulfillment centers F1, F2, F3:
Monday: All Fulfilment Centers have product A
F1 A Status: Enabled
F2 A Status: Enabled
F3 A Status: Enabled
Tuesday: Some Fulfilment Centers have product A
F1 A Status: Enabled
F2 A Status: Disabled
F3 A Status: Disabled
Wednesday: No Fulfilment Centers have product A
F1 A Status: Disabled
F2 A Status: Disabled
F3 A Status: Disabled
Thursday: All Fulfilment Centers have product A
F1 A Status: Enabled
F2 A Status: Enabled
F3 A Status: Enabled

Is there a way to do this by uploading a CSV file at the start of each day?

Only by custom module. Please review Extensibility - Key Extensibility Points - Developer Center (virtocommerce.org)

Thanks for the info Oleg.

I have reviewed the documentation and I am still not sure how we would go about this.

Could you point me to the specific class that would would need to interface with in order to change the status?